Thursday, February 7, 2013

comments on "How to ruin a great design"

The design they bring up in the article has bland color.  a passing cyclist may not be happy when they cycle past it.  What they mention involving the red and white sign for congestion gets the job done.  As a person who has poor eye-sight without glasses a brightly colored design is something designed in a better way than a "dirty" sign.  When designing my functional project, I may go with brighter colors that indicate important features.  When going with my impractical one, I will take the idea of dullness in mind.  Also, I am thinking about adding unnecessary features like the uppercase D in the yellow sign.

            Poorly constructed designs based off of old ideas also seem to work for my impractical product.  Like the UPS redesign.  this new product might be a rework of an older one with less than what the original product had.  Same goes for taking well designed products and using them in mass.  It ruins the feeling the design had originally had  Like with the mcdonalds chair deal.  Mocking a design is a bad idea and the article seems to sit well with me.  Unnecessary changes will come into play when doing my mock-up.  Having a well conceived and highly functional design will help me in designing my "good" product.  Overall, the article seems to go in the right direction.  However, more emphasis on overly complicated designs seems to cross my path as "a bad design".  Something given less emphasis.

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